Friday, 25 May 2012

6 Photos of Water Fountains

I went to London today and I came across a water fountain. I thought I'd start my photography career. Not bad from an iPhone eh...

I am on Twitter @DanOverboardNJ

Monday, 21 May 2012

My Bucket List: Part 1

So I have just finished my second year of University and looking back, it has been a tough but ultimately successful one. One thing I have managed to do, is compile a list of things I would like to do before I die. I believe this is called a Bucket List. Here's number one, something I plan on ticking off this summer.

Number 1: Learn Spanish

It has been my dream to learn a second language for a while now, ever since seeing the attraction and glamour being bilingual offers. Like most students I've had the chance to learn another language in the past but never could quite capture that spark for learning. Back then I simply didn't have an interest in anything other than girls or sport, so it wasn't my fault, technically.

Why Spanish you may ask? The idea actually came about when thinking how cool it would be to work for a Baseball club in America. If you have any knowledge of Baseball in the U.S. you'll know that the game is dominated by Hispanic nations. This then opened my imagination to all the greatness that would come with learning Spanish, namely the culture, the people. and more importantly the weather.This summer I plan on travelling around Spain for two weeks.

I guess there is a question and lesson at the end of all of this. The question? What has changed since secondary school? My answer? Now I want to learn. The moral? Don't be forced into learning OR doing anything you do not want to do. That last sentence has been and will be at the center of all my doings.

I am on Twitter @DanOverboardNJ